London Wind Academy 2024

Wednesday, November 13

3.30 pm

Lloyd’s building, 1 Lime Street
Lloyd’s Banqueting Suite

Registration and coffee

Welcome and opening

by Georg Nygaard, NIORD

3.45 pm

The ClubFloat Windfarm Project

Introduction and update on the ClubFloat case.

To set a realistic scene for discussions and group tasks, NIORD has established the fictitious “ClubFloat Windfarm Project”. During the Academy the cover issues and claims examples will be based on ClubFloat.

by Simon Markussen, NIORD

4.00 pm

Offshore Wind - Warm Up

Floating windfarms seen in context of history, technology, status and development in the world wide wind industry.

by Paulius Kavaliauskas, Ellinor Morrison, Simon Markussen, NIORD

4.10 pm

4.30 pm


"Insuring ClubFloat" panel session
Insurance clauses & conditions

The CUO of NIORD has taken on the role as insurance manager for the Project ClubFloat, and is now looking at finding best insurance parameters for both the upcoming construction and operation phases. He has many questions and finds it very challenging, but is lucky to have assistance from a panel of knowledgeable insurance advisors.

Bin Wang, NIORD
Daniel Sim, Strategic Account Manager, Natural Resources, AON
Jonny Allen, Partner ‑ Renewables, Power & Energy, McGill and Partners
Robert Bates, Partner, Nardac Insurance Services
Steven Munday, Global Renewable Energy Leader, Willis Towers Watson

4.40 pm

5.25 pm


Transmission - the main arteries of Offshore Wind

The growth of renewable power offshore is dependent on an efficient and stable transmission infrastructure. What challenges and exposures are seen from the insurers? And how will floating wind be developed?

by Mats Johan Waage and Sunniva Hellesund, NIORD

5.40 pm

6.10 pm

“ClubFloat needs repair”
Major maintenance and repairs of FOWFs

With floating windfarms, the industry is up against new challenges in relation to major maintenance and repairs. What are the specifics applicable to floating windfarms and what options are there to consider? We will examine opportunities and challenges of doing major maintenance and repair involving major component exchanges.

Lukas Carbol, NIORD
Eelko May, Managing Director of LiftOff
Vidar Horneland, Senior Risk Advisor at Norwegian Hull Club

End & summary

by Pål Nytveit, NIORD

6.55 pm

7.00 pm

Norwegian Hull Club's Office
37/39 Lime Street

Social gathering